Need Help? Just in Case…

6 Mar
Dear Reader:

The best thing to do in a crazy situation is to think of the most positive outcome.
Hold on to your reality by remembering that Allah loves you, Allah wants to guide you, Allah needs you to be at your best, in all moments of day and night.

Some of us suffer from mental illnesses, other suffer from physical illnesses. We need to learn how to live with these set-backs and look to the brighter side of things. When you are alone and feeling an urge of negativity coming on, try to think of the times you were very happy, and realize that this moment is no different from any other moment in life, so just breathe. Inhale, then exhale.

Bad thoughts, fears and anxiety are all part of life. We all face these obstacles, for some they are minor and for others they are major. It’s important to know that you are not alone. Many of us suffer from these same issues.

An important thing to think about and to realize is “what is making these thoughts and feelings become so fierce?” Is it a bad relationship you are in? Is it a friend that is unloading his or her problems on you? Is it a parent that is being too hard on you? Is it a person at work, possibly your boss who is overly demanding? Once you weed out the negatives, all that is left is the good stuff, the positive stuff. Focus on the POSITIVE stuff, you’ll feel better.

Remember always that you are perfect the way you are, you don’t need to change for anyone. You do need to improve yourself constantly, only for the better though, and in an unselfish manner. I wish you all the best, I know you will get better. I know that you will find peace in your daily life, soon. I know that you will be able to walk the streets with your head high and feel absolutely GREAT about yourself, knowing that no one can hurt you anymore. No one can abuse you physically or mentally, or feed you lies. I know that day will come soon where you can say, I have overcome this, I am stronger than this illusion that is making me sick. I know you will be able to enjoy your everyday life again and the first step is to acknowledge that you suffer from something, the second step is to research how to overcome your set-backs in a postive manner. The third step is putting these positive thoughts into action as soon as possible.

From: Reserve Yourself

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